i got my report back yesterday night. to be honest im ok with the results, my rankings weren't that great and i know i can do way better.
the thing that sucks hard is that i can do all the classwork but when im in exams i choke. well major exams, im fine when it comes to topic exams and mini exams but when its those half yearlies and yearlies, i choke. and it sucks because the hsc is one of those exams!
if anyone has any way of getting over that, then pleasE! help me! lol
well the reason why im blogging so much is because i have a day off cuz im sick. and it feels good just not going to skool. i stayed at home spent my day watching movies and also getting some work done! but yesterday, luckily i ended up going home early because im pretty sure if i stayed i wouldve fainted and died, i got home and i died... lol all my symptoms got worse and my head was throbbing. it killed. i went to the doctors afterwards having some kind of stomach pain causing me to have the feeling of wanting to through up and also having a killer headache and fever, the doctor suggested to take panadol! wtf? lol but it did work! so that was weird?
i woke up this morning feeling a bit better.
now i have to face school again tomorrow, and its a thursday which means i gotta get up extra early to go to my maths class! arrgh maths is.. arrgh
wow i haven't blogged since a month ago. well let me fill you in with whats "hap"
so row had her 16th and actually celebrated it this year =)
we headed to the city and had pancakes at darling harbour on a friday night. it was extremely fun!

yummm cathy and i shared this, i almost died eating it, so much cream cheese!

the group! joanne khanh kris row dili cathy me jessc thanh melain and vee!

ahhh i love the city and night =)

khanh dili kris and myself all got bored on the train while the others played sudoku on the train
i couldnt find any photos of myself and the birthday girl which is weird because i couldve sworn i took one with her?
the following week khanh and i had regionals and the week was jam packed having rehearsal on monday then evening performance on Tuesday night then matinee performance on friday.

cathy row and thanh joined us to watch the evening performance at bankstown it was fun =)
well thats all folks