firstly i would like to thank row for making this awesome blogskin! credits to kingrowena.diaryland =)
i think this camp had to be my most enjoyable camp so far. it was effing awesome!
it all started on a wednesday morning, early hours. once we were sorted out, we got onto the bus and made our way to mittagong- wombaroo.
once we got their khanh myself and kris ran to the cabin that was next to the toilets so we didnt have to walk far if we needed to go toilet =) how smart of us! lol. once we settled down we headed to the hall where we all met up to have a briefing of what we're going to do.
i was with melain khanh cathy nguyen. fong, ton we did random games that developed teamwork etc.. was fun =)

had lunch then had another activity.
later that night after dinner we had this commedian called "slabface" which i found halarious! he was good !
oh btw the cabins were crap, it felt like sleeping in a shoebox, lol but its all good.

the following day we did more active activities. i.e giant swing, vertical cluster.
ARGH lol i was so close to beating khanh, i got up first but couldnt reach the dam bell! >=[ lol all good. GG khanh GG! LOL

we also did the flying fox which was pretty boring ==" then the high ropes =)
after we finished the activities, headed back and there were a heap of guys running around getting dressed up for the upcoming karaoke and disco. lol guys were gelling up their hair straightening it etc.. pretty funny.
then the horrible thing happend. the power cut off. LOL it was so stupid but funny in the way that the guys were using too much electricity.
well after that all we headed down to the hall we're the karaoke started. it was effing halarious and fun!

aww the couples..
after all that it was time to dance! this was so fun =) they let us party till midnight so it was pretty awesome! dj was simon! awesome work simon!

after that we all headed back then soon after fell right asleep.
the last day we did mountain biking which was pretty fun? lol then the drug talk.
some last photos...


xep/eric and myself

davis and brain

khanh and brain
and how could i forget,

ccnf, wheres thanh? >=[
well anyway guys! hope you enjoyed that long entry =)
have an awesome queens birthday!