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another same old day

ok sorry guys i haven't been blogging lately due to my stupid net being capped. But now i am uncapped and will resume my frequent blogging (hopefully) AND because Cathy made me blog about what happened in physics today.

well i woke up at 8! which is not normal time for me. was running late and got to school on the bell =D roll call.

my first subject of the day was VISUAL ARTS! to be honest, i dont really like visual arts anymore due to the "ARRGH" teacher... shes so.... ><" ok you get the point.


then MATHS! oh maths.. how i am so sick of it...

SLR! i love slr its so fun =D player euro handball got to the semis... but lost... LOL

LUNCH spent it with l3 =D we were talking about some "scary stuff" like how a dingo was eating a baby! LOL =="

PHYSICS ok so we had triple physics and oh i forgot what i was supposed to blog about..? ok so i just asked her, "cathys highlight of her day"

; ccnf ` (@)thy says:
miss saying
; ccnf ` (@)thy says:
"moves towards cathy moves away from cathy moves towards cathy moves aaway form cathy

LOL LLOL your freaking retard cathy! LOL

and hint to everyone reading > i would love a newtons craddle for my birthday! =DDD

till next time!


yesterday was saturday. it started off as any normal sat, with tutor. after that cathy and i went to livo library and dam what we found was REALLY helpful =D anyway didnt stay for long.. then we went livo to bum cuz cathy.. was at the library from 12.. so she couldnt handle anymore work.. (i came after tutor @ 3) i know we seem like bludgers ==

it was a pretty normal day at livo.. nothing happend.. and cathy nd i ran out of things to do, after oging to myers and "trying" on perfume and cologne LOL...

got home.. cathy gave me love actually and the holiday.. yeh i knoe chick flicks to the max.. but i was bored.. == and yes i know i shouldve started homework... =="

well i got work tomorrow @ 10! and im soo looking forward to that! *eye rolls* goodie.. well i better be off.

we're going to die soon

ok so today is thursday. english ancient and maths ==" nothing spectacular happend today... something popped into my head today... so when you die.. or when someone, dies what happens to them? do we cherish or do we stay alive spirit wise? cuz like if we cherish? thats really scary... a whole lifetime gone..
and well we wont remember anything so we'll be nothing... we wont be able to think.. we wont be able to remember anything.. we just disappear and its like our brain splits in half or something....
its so weird.. not know what will happen?

and in english.. my teacher was going on about how the world is going to end... i swear i think it will end VERY VERY VERY soon! i think im gonna become some activist or seomething. people have become so careless about the world..

its just really stupid.

the camp that was only 2 days?!

ok so on monday and tuesday fellow SRC'ians and i had our annual camp.. but this time it was only two days which really sucked since it was so short.. but on the bright side i guess i dont miss out on too much of school. ok so monday morning, 7:15 i got there waited and soon after everyone else came. cathy vee mg flo melain kris and i sat at the back and well on the way there it was pretty fun i guess.. very interesting conversations.... it took us a while since the bus driver got lost like three times.. ==" and no he was asian.. so yeh

so about i think 9-10 ish we got there.. and headed for our cabins where we were last year and kris and i bagged our bunk we had last time.. =D after that we had little talks from teachers etc and then we were split up into groups and went to do our activities.. which weren't that great since i did em all last year or the year before so it was pretty boring =="

so yeh camp was alright on monday night we had our talent show which was HALARIOUS especially the "cross-dressing" and the/our yr 11 play titled - bon qui qui... LOL LOL that was soooooo funny! LOL hahaha but too bad not many people got it.. if you dont know what im talking about either go to khanhs bebo and its on his video or youtube; madtv - bon qui qui! and im pretty sure ull find our version of it too LOL

after the talent show we *kris cathy vee melain flo mg and myself* headed down to the basketball courts where it was pitch black and laid down to look at the stars.. dam.. there were HEAPS AND HEAPS of stars.. im not exagerating.. i wouldve taken pictures.. but you cant take pictures of stars ==" anyway umm yeh then we had to head back and go to our cabins..

@ arnd 11ish i was listening to music then fell asleep.. for like 2 hrs.. woke up.. all the seniors *boys* were gone and most ppl were still awake and well some ppl were outside so i went outside hung with them.. talked.. etc.. was pretty fun.. then at arnd 2ish.. went back in.. arnd three fell asleep again..

the next day? tuesday - not much happend.. pretty boring.. tiring .. got home and fell asleep then woke up and had to do visual arts assignment..

im back,

LOL, so like refers to the last time i blogged? LOL! anyway im back =D and ready to blog about whatever i may find interesting..?

ok.. so its the 02nd of march.. sunday @ 10:10 and knowing i have camp tomorrow... i should start packing.. but right now.. im just too excited since i haven't blogged in ... say AGES sorry about my...... absence.. anyway.. so yeah i have an SRC camp tomorrow and thats gonna be pretty interesting!

okay so yesterday, cathyv vee khanh jessica melain rowena vee chris thanh dili and i hit the MARDI GRAS! LOL it was..... shit.. ==" well it was alright i guess? well not the fact that we came a bit late and therefore couldn't see anything since it was packed out...

anyway so i went to kris's house first to decide weather or not i should get my things.. or leave it there and pick it up today .. well i left it there.. anyway his mum took us to cab, to the bank then walked to canley station. luckily khanh caught up to us. we got there and found dili hanging round waiting for everyone else.. soon after everyone came and we got on and headed for st james. got there at i think 7? not sure we were hungry.. well some of us so we decided to get some food.. not very smart of us since everything was packed out.. but just got hungry jacks.. anyway headed over to the parade.. LOL it was very.. umm interesting seeing so many.. yeh.. it was very interesting.. and funn i guess.. everyone seemed so "=DDD" and they were in their party mood.. and drinking.. we walked and walked.. to get to somewhere we could see.. that didnt happen.. so yeh hung aorund.. etc.. i had to get home early.. so rowena melain and dili and i head back to st james.. walking through hyde park.. dam it turned into some drinking area.. it was liek a massive party.. anyway yeh took the rtain home.. very ineeresting night.. maybe next year we'll come more prepared... =)

well yeh today.. had work.. ==" my first sunday shift.. and sundays... are great to work on.. ==" lets just say that.. umm yeh really nothing happend today didnt do much.. i should start packing mang..

see YOU guys later.. maybe you might just get to know what a wonderful time im going to have at camp =D

later yo